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Be careful of what you wish for.

I've come to realize that there are two crucial things you should be careful about as you continue through life: what you wish for and what you say.

Be Careful What You Wish For

When you wish for something, it often comes from your heart or mind and can be really meaningful. However, sometimes you might make a wish as a joke and forget to take it back with your words. Whatever higher being you believe in, that higher being is always listening and responding. Your wish might be granted immediately or sometime later. But rest assured, if you wished for it and didn't cancel it with your words, it will be fulfilled.

So, be mindful of your wishes. Make sure they align with what you truly want and need in your life. If you make a wish in jest, be sure to counter it with clear intent to avoid unintended consequences.

The Power of Your Words

Everyone knows that words can build and destroy. Therefore, we must be aware of what we say to others, whether we mean it or not. It's crucial to always aim to build rather than destroy.

The Takeaway

Be careful with both your wishes and your words. Wishes, whether made in earnest or jest, have the potential to come true. Words, whether spoken with intention or carelessness, have the power to shape the world around us. By being mindful of both, you can lead a more positive, intentional life.

Remember: be careful of what you wish for with your heart or mind and watch the words you utter.


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