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How did sexualizing of the opposite gender become a norm?

So, in the modern society it seems women are being sexualized, and remember this society is the social media era of things. Let's start with what is to sexualize a person not just women only even men. To sexualize a person means to view or portray them primarily as objects of sexual desire, rather than as whole, multifaceted individuals with their own thoughts, feelings, and attributes. This behavior reduces a person to their sexual attributes and overlooks their other qualities, contributions, and identities.

With this sexualizing of women, it left me asking as to why are they being sexualized, is it the men or the women or something external? Yes, women will point a finger and say it's men themselves with their dirty minds, but let's not rush to pointing fingers because we might poke each other's eyes still trying to point at each other.

I mentioned modern society earlier, what is this modern society. For now, I will focus on modern society's explanation relating to this context. Modern society is the new environment set around internet and globalization, where interacting with a human is not limited to only the people around you who within physical reach but rather you can now interact with a person thousands of miles away and even someone you have never seen before. Another characteristic of modern society is exposure sexual presentation of women and men on the internet, all in the name of content. Another thing that I cannot leave out is the exposure of internet to kids as young as 6yrs whereby browsing the internet with no restriction to what to view and the internet being old it will show ads to anyone surfing it.

One can ask why I am dragging the internet, or this so called "Modern Society" into the topic of sexualizing. Here's why the exposure of kids to sexually content be it pornography or model grooms their minds to a perspective of sexualizing the opposite gender because with human desires they get aroused. Even Television showcases such through music videos that also have no restriction. This leads to kids to develop a brain that the opposite sex is an object because of the way they see them being portrayed in these platforms for the modern society.

Then ask yourself why they are doing sexualizing because it's the one thing that will kill the future generation's mind because there will be no peace among genders hence leaving the rise of homosexual genders. And reproduction of the new generation is destroyed then it makes a way for a rise of a different society which they will be able to manipulate.

So, sexualizing of the opposite gender is bad, but because of the modern society norms and exposure there's little to do about it, it all lies in one individual to choose their path depending on the way they were raised and where they were raised, because there many things that influencing growing minds.


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