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  • twizzybingo

Where can you find advice or wisdom?

Updated: Jun 5

There's knowledge that surrounds us always from the day you are born, since your brain is getting frequencies from tower station all around the world that makes you knowledgable there and there. So knowledge we grow with it but then there is advice . which we get from our elders give to us. then is the discovries that you come acros in life but also mix with the words of the elders.

So we have to agree that we have control who you talk to at the end of the day. Because dispicy our cultures and taditions we can not run away that we our own individuals . that God creatured to being.

And like that was finished and made it complete for a man by bring a lady (Eve), the completor. So Yah that's how it goes.

Guys don't worry today we decided to send and post an unpolished draft, so that some other time you will receive the polished on to see if you understood the unpolished because that would you Like my Ex-Girlfriend. Yeah, she understood every shit of mine so yeah.

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