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How do women communicate?

Woman communication through body language. Today we shall discuss about communication with women. First, we will notice that women are multi-tasking beings hence that means in the psychological level they can be thinking of things at the back of their minds without they conscience knowing. So also, let’s look at another fact which is, women pay attention to small details this is because they mind reads and analyze their surrounds. So, when it come to their men, they turn to read their body language since they can multi-task they will test and read your body language in every section.

So, this tells us that women communicate with body language and because of this reason you will notice that their sensitive beings to touch this is also because of their multi-tasking ability that every nerve on their skin is functioned to capture every sense of touch. And we know that from skeletal there’s muscle memories, now image the brain being the muscle memory, since that brain’s work is to store and it’s now acting as a muscle memory for the sense of touch that means every detail is captured down to the pressure applied and fingerprints. That being the case men have to learn to talk to their women by touching them and they respond the same way. And you will be shocked the communication that you will have, it will be remarkable and lovely. A man can only talk and understand this communication when they are using all of their brain and are not clustered by the theories that were invented long ago. A man doesn’t need to be smart, but rather creative and innovative. That’s one sign of using your brain. That’s a gift/talent for men while women are smart, so that’s why a man doesn’t have to be smart or play smart.

With new century we can notice that relationships are not lasting and there’s too many divorces. It’s because men are no longer intelligent but rather smart and women can never be with themselves. You will notice that innovations were last done during the industrial revolution, and that’s when marriages lasted for years till death do us apart not till death of love.


As a man once you unlock the ability of body language communication your spirits will be the ones communicating and as a man you know what ever she wants, just like in store she picks up something and up it down. She’s saying I would love to have this, but I can’t get it for myself and that reason she’s the only that knows it. What you have to do is to buy it another day not the very same day. But another day to say, you know I paid attention that you said you would love to have this and here you have. If her response is a spontaneous hug that is quick it shows, she’s happy with you gesture and your level of pay attention to her communication, but if she accepts it neutrally then it was test which you might have failed. Because maybe you were supposed to buy for her during valentines, on her birthday or not in any special occasion. Such communication even happens in bed during sex. With sex remember she’s seeking pleasure that she wants with only you and hence she will tell you on how to please her from touching her down to penetrating her and whether to be slow or fast, deep or shallow or even offering you to do your best.  

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