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What's the evolution of a relationship and what leads to its disastrous collapse?

So, we all know that at a beginning of a relationship it's all sweet things and gifts. When you keep on smiling at the silliness of how you met and how the sparks were flying in the air when he said a punch line. So, with what makes a relationship to then take a nosedive and become fatal such that a person may want to take their own life, sometimes worse cases even want to take their partners life. So, with start with the honeymoon phase when you still exploring things together and exhausting all your fantasies, which is the first mistake. This is because 90% of relationship are not well funded so there's ability to be going around the world to make the relationship fascinating by discovering new things together. Hence, we can say that what also destroys relationships in the bedroom is the fact that both parties and one can come with experience from outside which will then create an automatic template to compare the previous best with the current partner.

So, we don't need to exhaust everything in honeymoon phase. Then after comes the first struggles, forgetting in the man side, then demand for attention to cause drama at times just out of the blue. To keep things interesting and always lively. So yes, some conflicts occur in your relationship because of drama, because this is how memories are created to always have something silly to laugh about during pillow talks, because you don't have to be always think of the future, you suppose to live it. Enough about motivation.

After you first struggles it's good to come up on top and know that you are able to challenges together no matter what. And a woman will have a sense of wanting to be with you more as a man if there was a situation that tested you help for each other in difficult times.

Then there's another thing that is called time, which is the biggest tester. For as we all know that you never know a person completely in one day and you will never know them completely because you will learn them for as long as you with them. Because the things that you say they have changed into, maybe it's not just that it was buried inside them for a while and now it has resurrected. So, another thing you can never keep a fake character forever it will show up eventually because just like the white side shows up your black side also has to show but not let it to rule over because black always win if you feed it. So yes, another down fall in relationships is the test of time when the truth is revealed. Here is a sample of a poem named truth reveal:

Then comes a different path if the truth is not told because then time with do what it does again and test the relationship, where by now it will crumble because it trusts would have been broken, and once trust is lost it can never regain. So, the truth is always important in a relationship without it the relationship will stand a chance to win a divorce.

Another thing the kills relationship is communication between the two parties involved because there has to be no misinterpretation when shared information. Also, the necessity of needing to talk to one another and also catching up, that's why it's goes well for a relationship where the two parties are always meeting the evening under the cover to converse about the day and have pillow talks and random sex, unlike with long distance relationships, where you crave intimacy of your partner, but they are far. So, yes, we can say conversation and long distances is what kills relationships.

And when these issues happen, they then, remove the love eyes from you thinking and start to pick up negative things about your partner which are a turn off to you, but didn't notice them because you were blinded by love. And that is the last stage of the relationship, it will be now on ICU. When it's on ICU it will come back by a miracle but most case it dies out either violently or softly, because it then relies on the parties' characters.

So that's the evolution of a relationship and the causes that lead to its disastrous collapse.

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