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How to live in your prime and elder times.

Today I bring knowledge on how to live in your prime times and elder times. Please don't mistaken any information in the post to be relate to transition from prime years to old age.

So, now to dive into how to live your prime years. The first thing is that no one should tell you how to live, hence don't live according to some else's plan, because their path is totally different from yours hence your live according to your own terms and remember to keep a good moral compass. Then another thing is that get advice from everyone and don't use everyone's advice. Because not all advice is good for you. Hence be conscience when applying other people's advice, since you don't want to be blaming anyone if your life goes side way since blaming anyone doesn't revert the damage that has happen.

In your prime years live to enjoy life and balance it since your primes are for enjoying and building the future at the same time. Hence be observant about how your prime years pass by. Another thing that youngsters look over is the phrase, "Birds of the same feathers fly together", this phrase is true in every sphere of life. Hence make your circle be people that are going to be building with you, not unless you are okay in just being normal. Enjoy your prime years responsibly.

After your prime years come adult times which I will skip due to lack of information on that one. Then there's the ultimate elder years which must come with wisdom and experience of your lifetime. It is no good to die with knowledge that can help the upcoming generation. Hence in your elder years it may be time to share to wisdom to those looking for it and those you get an opportunity to share. Though you are sharing your experiences you don't have to bias but rather balance both sides of the story since you have lived enough to see both side of the story.

Groom youngsters in their prime years and share your experiences that might be an insight in how to maneuver through their prime years. Let that knowledge be wisdom, for it's just useless when keep inside but becomes wisdom once it's shared to the young minds.


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