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What's your thoughts on independent women?

Updated: Jun 2

So here is my thought, women have that have seen or tasted the feel of being independent and leaving without a man and things go well still. They turn to build masculinity in them because both genders have both masculinity and femineity in them just that one is suppressed according to nature just like estrogen and testosterone. With the rise of single parents and man running away from their responsibilities, not just parenting only but relationships and doing work, and coming up with new invention just like the man in the past did.

So, women who have experience of not living with a father they then turn to exercise roles of being a man in their surroundings, be it at work or at home. This is because they no longer trust men to be always around or just don't want to rely on men for anything or suppress men because they made their mothers suffer hence feels entitled to revenging for their mothers. Being an independent woman is good and men do want that in their women but not in excess quantity, since it will cause a clash of masculine roles and just like the African proverb says, "you can't have two bulls in one kraal." There is no telling how much do men want their ladies to be independent because that can vary due to different factors.

My thought on independent women, there's a rapid rise of them and the fault is on men. Fixing it may still be possible but like I said this is trait that is trigger by seeing it happen before your eyes, and with social media being the most consumed category on the internet. So independent women are going to continue being in the rise and they will overthrow men in everything that's done in the world, because masculinity creates beasts and that's how and why men are beasts.


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